Awaken and develop your innate tracking skills, to know what the animals are saying, doing, and feeling
You are already a tracker, and a good one. Would you like to clean up the rust that has accumulated on your tracking ability from lack of use? In this workshop, you learn tracking the way all Native People learned it — by becoming the animal and learning their language. That way, you are not studying the animal as an outsider, but rather, you get to know and feel the animal’s heart and soul.
We will be doing very little studying of the technological aspects of track and sign. Instead, we are going to immerse ourselves in the feeling and sensing world of the animals. We then find out what life is like for them by living it ourselves.
In order to do that, we need to awaken our own inner animal. We want to relearn how to see and hear, how to smell and taste, how to use our instinct and intuition. To do that, we will be living in another world during our time together. We’ll be leaving much of civilization behind as we simultaneously enter the mind of the tracker and the mind of the animal. Here is what to look forward to during this very special Nature immersion experience:
- Discover how gratitude opens the doorway to awareness.
- Become a good listener, in order to hear the stories the tracks tell.
- Learn how to leave yourself behind and become any animal you want.
- Find how your dreams want to teach you to be a better tracker.
- Learn Wolf language.
- Participate in a Talking Circle with the animals.
- Gain the ability to practice tracking all day long in your regular life.
- Learn how to teach the way of Native tracking.
- Learn why listening for the song of the track is more powerful than reading the track.
- Connect and learn from your distant ancestors, who were expert trackers.
- Hear tracking stories around the evening fire from an Elder Storyteller.
- See how becoming a better tracker makes you better able to serve others.
- Have tracking become your metaphor for conscious living.
- Learn exercises for fine-tuning these skills in your home environment.
- And much more…
In essence, we become the Song of the Track. At the end of the training, we are not just going to be better trackers, but we are going to be better people — more present, more self-knowing, and better able to love. We will notice much more of what is going on around us, and we will be more present in relationships, by our ability to sense another’s thoughts, feelings, and desires. Like magic, life becomes richer and fuller.